Sunday, May 1, 2011

This week I am grateful for.... two very special friends

With my fourth wedding anniversary only days away, I have been reflecting all week on two very special people in my life. They are my best friends; two amazing and inspirational girls with a heart of gold. I am truly blessed to have grown alongside them, had their wisdom to learn from and their friendship to gain strength from. 

This week I am so very grateful for my best friends, my confidants, my strength when I need it, the two people whose laughter never ceases to make me smile.

I hope you too had a week to be grateful for xxxxx


  1. Having great friends is so special isn't it?! My sister were my bridesmaids and I'm close to both of them and hope I will continue to be. Since getting married I have lost friends and made new friends, and I have to say that my new group of friends are some of the most amazing women that I have had the pleasure of knowing - so I hope they stick around forever!

    Sounds like you've had those friends for quite a while and it sounds like you'll be lifelong friends as well. :)

  2. What a stunning bride you made!!! There's nothing like a best friend who knows you well and is always there for you when you need it x

  3. Lovely! Love your wedding dress...gorgeous :)


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